Two Awards in Two Days! Wow!

Wow!  I just found out that Parga’s Junkyard has received another award!  Yesterday we received the Blog on Fire award and now today I have just been notified that we have been awarded The Versatile Blogger Award from our friends over at The Clumsy Coquette!  I am honored to be recognized by my peers!  These Awards mean that other bloggers are not only reading my blog but that some actually like it!

About the Versatile Blogger Award:

1. Thank and Link back to the person that gave it to you!

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Send the Versatile Blogger Award on to 15 other bloggers and let them know you have awarded them!

So, Seven things about me:

  1. I love shoes!  But they don’t always love me back….I can no longer wear alot of my favorite styles due to Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  2. My favorite “comfort food” is good ole Salsa and Chips…but my favorite Salsa is a combination that only my kids know how to make!
  3. I love to create things with my  own hands….it gives me great satisfaction to make something out of nothing!
  4. Christmas is my favorite Season….I may miss a birthday here and there but I always make up for it on Christmas!
  5. I am definitely a night person….I can stay up all night but have trouble crawling out of bed before 10am!
  6. I love to read!  Historical Fiction Books are my favorite, especially those set during the 1930’s and 1940’s.
  7. I love to travel but have never been outside of the United States!

And Finally, those other bloggers that I want to recognize!

  1. Life of Ai Sakura
  2. Misadventures of a Chunky Goddess
  3. Create With Joy
  4. Momma’s Prepared, Kinda
  5. Musings of a Bored Housewife
  6. The Content Proverbs 31 Woman
  7. Judy H-J’s Thoughts, A Twinless Twin
  8. Our Crazy Bunch
  9. Vodka and Motherhood
  10. Moms Bookshelf
  11. A Little Inspiration
  12. Planet Weidknecht
  13. Thrifty Ninja
  14. JRA…Journal of a Radical Arthritis, Chick
  15. Coupon Cousins

I love my readers and absolutely appreciate all of your ongoing support!  

About pargasjunkyard

Hi! Throughout my life I have worn many hats.... but my favorite hat is that of a wife to my wonderful husband Johnnie and mother to my own 5 children and now step-mother to Johnnies 4 and grandmother in total of 11!
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8 Responses to Two Awards in Two Days! Wow!

  1. Congrats my bloggy friend!! 🙂 OH thanks for awarding me the award! I appreciate it! Your’e awesome!

  2. Ai Sakura says:

    thanks! so sweet of you 🙂

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  3. The way to go! Heartiest Congratulations! Thank you very much for passing on this award to me. I am truly grateful. Later this week I will write a post about it. Take care and all the best with your wonderful Blog!

  4. Congratulations and thank you for passing the award on to me!

  5. Congrats on winning this award – and thanks so much for sharing it with me! Today Create With Joy turns two so it’s a special day! 🙂


  6. Thanks Mom…I appreciate it! But how do I pass it on? And how do I put it onto my blog?

    • Just write a blog about it like mine….then pick out deserving blogs to pass it on to…. To add the pic of the Award I downloaded the pic then uploaded it to my site…. But I am on a wordpress site and you if I remember are on blogger? It might be different but should be similar…. and you do deserve the award! I love to read your blog! You have always been such a good writer and you see and say things in a way people can relate so well!

I love comments! Let me know what you think!